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emulsion removal

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:33 am
by photosynthesize
hello, newbie from UK here.

i have a speedball screenprinting kit which includes diazo photo emulsion and remover. i found it really hard to remove all traces of the emulsion - it was coated and left to dry for an hour, exposed for 5 minutes, as much of it rinsed away as possible with a shower head, a print taken (a terrible one) and then i attemped to use the remover by putting it on with a paintbrush on both sides and scrubbing carefully at the screen with a sponge and some lukewarm water. i can still see a very light impression of the image on the screen and the gauze still has the pale blue colour on it from the emulsion (although washing it faded it a lot). is this wrong? i am worried i've ruined my first screen. :(

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:51 pm
by Jeremy
If it's Speedball i'm assuming that it is waterbased. If so, yes, that can be expected. Waterbased inks tend to 'stain' screens moreso than plasticol.

If it's the actual emulsion then I bet you are not exposing your screen long enough. Underexposure can make screens extremely difficul to wash out. Try exposing them for a longer time. After burning and washing the print out make sure the emulsion on the screen is not 'slimey'. That's a sign of underexposure.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:56 am
by X_Autotype_#1
Hi Newbie from UK

First, make sure that it's emulsion that is causing the "pale blue" colour on your mesh.

Did you use any liquid hardener on the emulsion prior to printing (like a hardening fluid)?

Try to look as closely as possible, using a magnifier or small microscope if you have one available. If there is no trace of the emulsion left on the screen - only colour from the emulsion dye, try soaking in 10% bleach (used for laundry day) for about 5 minutes. If it's only the dye from the emulsion, it should come completely out. If not, you may want to consider a re- application of the emulsion remover (sodium metaperiodate). If you decide to go the haze remover route - be very careful handling it, and make sure you follow the instructions to the tee. Most haze removers are very caustic and can burn your skin, as well as totally dissolve your fabric if not handled carefully. Keep in mind that bleach should also be handled very carefully using rubber gloves and eye & skin protection.

Let us know if this doesn't work - there are other things that may be happening, but you should be able to totally reclaim your fabric for future use.
