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Hello everybody - suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 3:37 pm
by Rumbero
Hello, I am new here!
before writing I did many reserch on line and experiments.
I am starting a small line of music intruments and I am screen printing a design/logo on top of the wood surface.(using union water base ink).
I planned also to give a finishing clear coat on top.

I am asking few questions and I really hope you can help me!
-the logo/design is a very thin line so I was thinking to use just an heat gun to dry and cure it.
- can the heat gun at 320F° damage the painted wood on the bottom?
- I noticed that if I give clear coat on top of painted surface+design (dry at the touch but not cured) the union ink it doesnt stay.
- maybe I should use a specific ink to print on painted wood? (I guess Union is intended to be for Textiles)

thanks do much for your help and thank you for understanding my poor english.