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MOIRE - Computer Test LPI/screen Angle/Mesh BEFORE make scre

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:01 pm
by BoliMan
Is there any way to pre-test for moiré pattern on the computer without having to make a bunch of screens and printing them? We have been having transparencies made and making screens - but it is tedious and time-consuming. We want to see what various screen frequency and screen angle combos look like on a particular mesh size. It seems there should be some way I could look at this on my computer to see what it would look like in a few minutes.

I want to simulate:
1. Frequency (LPI)
2. Screen Angle
3. Mesh count

Then I want to be able to quickly change these variables and see what moire develops - but right on my computer screen. Any ideas?

BOTTOM LINE: We want to print finely detailed images on glass and want the smoothest looking print with the tiniest, evenest dot print size as we transition from 100% image down to zero ("tint" I believe) - i.e. a dynamic image with smooth shading.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 6:52 pm
by DTGPrinting
Hi Scott,

If you print out your film, you can then hold up the film to the screen mesh without it being coated, you'll be able to see a pattern between the mesh and the film without burning or even coating a screen.

Hope that helps.


Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:44 pm
by nils
Use HeavyEllipse instead of ellipse. Harlequin Delta RIP can do that.
The risk of getting moiree with HeavyEllipse is very low compared to ellipse

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:06 am
by krosbones
I do not know of any way for checking moire on your computer screen. Every stretched screen I have come across is a little different. You may have perfect film seps printed out, but get different results from different screens of the same mesh. I would agree with printing out your film and holding it up to the screen you are going to use to check for possible moire.

If you find or come up with another way to battle the dreaded Moire! please share your info.

Krosbone Graphix

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:56 pm
Moire is a problem with the SCREEN!
You have the mesh pulled to tight in some areas....

I stopped stretching my own screens a few years back and I use frames.

The dot or ellipse can aid with moire reduction but I say pay closer attention to you screens

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:39 am
by DTGPrinting
Here is how I no longer have Moire

Eliptical Dot
Screen Mesh divided by 4.5 equals your frequency 230/4.5=51
22.5 degree angle

Never had Moire since I've used those combinations.

If you chose to print indexed color seps, you could theoretically eliminate moire, but you need more colors to make it look real good, like 8 to 9 colors. 6 is possible but a little more difficult.

Here is an image I did in Photoshop using Indexed colors to test it out. I could not get 6 colors but it looked pretty good in 9.
