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Looking to screen print my art. Thoughts?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:16 am
by follicle

I've been wanting to screen print for about three years now, and along the way, have been slowly purchasing the needed materials. I have a basic understanding of the procedure, but I haven't really had anything terrific to print over the past few years. I've been doing some digital art in Photoshop/Illustrator lately and felt I should start printing my pieces. They are a bit complicated and certainly won't transfer onto the paper like they look on screen, but I thought I would get some input on how best to reproduce my pieces creatively with limited screens.

Here is one example of the art I've been producing:


First, I understand that the textured background/colors will have to go. I'm planning on buying some nice textured tan paper to achieve a like effect. In reality, I would prefer putting the dark strokes/outlines on one screen and then a nice solid fill of one color that complements the tan paper on another screen. I am a bit concerned about registration issues with the outlines, but I feel if I can build a quality jig/setup, I can pull it off. I would also like to achieve some transparency with the solid color fill, but I'm not sure if this is possible. All of my digital files are layered in Photoshop, so separations shouldn't be much of any issue.

In any case, could anyone provide some input/suggestions/comments regarding what I'm looking to do? Are there any limitations I might face?

Thanks in advance for any replies!


Re: Looking to screen print my art. Thoughts?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:18 am
by tompaine
Scan it in at high resolution, those are nice solid lines, so it should be relatively easy to remove the background. You could then vectorise using Corel/Adobe/online tools.