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Screen Printing Bic Lighters

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:23 pm
by ngreenup
I am interested in screen printing disposable lighters, specifically Bic lighters. I have not been able to find must in the way of instruction or equipment. It seems most equipment is custom made for this sort of thing. I have found a few videos.

But no real information or equipment. I am a novice to screen printing but I have friends who have run a screen printing shop for many years that can help out. They have never done lighters though. Some questions I have that they could not answer are...
  • What inks are best?
  • Any tips or tricks for printing on Bic brand lighters as opposed to the cheap "flat sided" lighters?
  • Tips for running lighters through the oven? I see the sticker on bics says nothing over 120 degrees...
  • Plans or videos of custom setups? I was thinking of printing 20 or so with one screen so I can have a different image on each. Just put a lot of images on one screen and do 20 at a time.
  • Any kits available?

Re: Screen Printing Bic Lighters

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:52 pm
by tompaine
I'd probably get them pad printed?

Re: Screen Printing Bic Lighters

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:44 pm
by ngreenup
I was wanting to do the screen printing myself as I have access to all the shop and supplies at my buddies screen printing shop.

However, If you know of places that do pad printing on lighters I would love to have some links.

Re: Screen Printing Bic Lighters

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:34 am
by tompaine
You could screen them if you built a little jig but it's easier to pad print them. Whereabouts are you?