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Print quality n Registration marks

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:45 pm
by OMiO
I got my first design to come out good on my screen using emulsion and then burning the image onto the screen, and washing out rest of the emulsion. But my design is not coming out clean off of the screen onto the fabric underneath, and I am having trouble getting the image in the right position to print it on the fabric in the correct spot...

I flood the screen before pressing it to the fabric, but when I actually do press the ink through, and then pull up the screen some of the ink hasn't gone all the way through the mesh. I wonder if this is because I didn't burn the image well enough or if I'm not pressing the ink the right way or if it's a different problem altogether...

Also I am looking for help on how to do registration marks, or how to position my screen and fabric the right way to get an even print every time. I am working on an atlas HBE one station machine...

I started with white ink which I heard was harder to use, but don't know if this is true...


Re: Print quality n Registration marks

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:04 pm
by tompaine
Most fabric printers prefer the Japanese reg marks, they come in the centre of the print and allow better positioning.
Is the ink not coming through in the same places every time? It could be that you have some scumming blocking the mesh.