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Mesh Count Identification

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:17 pm
by workshy
Hey There,
We just got a bucnh of second hand screens with no mesh counts. I remember having a piece of film that i could slide behind the mesh and it would clash with all but the correct mesh count. If that doesn't sound like gibberish to you could you point me in the right direction.

Re: Mesh Count Identification

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:52 am
by sharefilters
Hi, if you do not know the mesh counts of the meshes you bought, you probably feel lost how you can tell them apartment and tell the exact mesh counts; Then you need instrument to check the mesh counts, as a manufacturer of printing meshes, we have various checking equipment, you can visit our website and find out the equipments that we are using to check the wire diameter and mesh counts.: if you have questions, you can contact me: