Problem with screen print migration

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Problem with screen print migration

Post by muddyMTB »

P4210002_5000.jpg (163.44 KiB) Viewed 9131 times
Hi, I hope someone can give me some advice here.
Earlier in the year I took delivery of a number of hoodies from a new supplier. They were printed with two colours - white on a heavy orange. After 7 weeks I noticed the orange was migrating through the white. All the hoodies are affected in various states the migration. I guess this may have been happening earlier but insufficient to notice. The supplier is denying any responsibility stating I had not advised them of any problem within three weeks of taking delivery so the problem must be to the way I have stored them. I think the storage notion is ridiculous as no specific storage instructions were given to me or for my customers. They have been stored indoors at room temperature some in the original packaging some out. The migartion has occured in them all whether stored in the packaging or not. Before I take matters further I am seeking advice from professional screen printers. Is my supplier being unreasonable and can the migration occur through storage.
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Re: Problem with screen print migration

Post by ChrisScoff »

Hi Muddy! I am sure this problem is arrived because your previous supplier has printed solid orange even under white color. From where white color is faded orange color glimpses from behind. To solve this issue you have to change your supplier. I hope i can solve your problem.
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Re: Problem with screen print migration

Post by Dynamik Graphics »


What color are the hoodies? (Wasn't sure if you meant white print on an orange garment, or white AND orange print on a ______ garment?)

If it's a print on orange, then you and your supplier are both right:

Standard white plastisol inks are notorious for ink migration after several days on fleece garments. This is because hoodies, sweatshirts, activewear, etc contain polyester, which is the contributor to the migration.

So yes, ink can migrate if the garments have been in storage, even in ideal conditions. It's nothing to do with the environment - it's the ink that was used.

Don't know how experienced your printer is, but with only 9 years in the field as a screen printer, I always knew in advance to NOT use standard white inks on any polyester garment, regardless of print size.

Most ink suppliers like KolorMatrix and One Stroke offer a special kind of white ink treated to combat migration.

If your supplier has some ridiculous 3 week rule, then I suppose you're out of luck, but I'd definitely be looking for a printer who's familiar with the problem and won't rip you off.
Dynamik Graphics
Artwork Solutions for the Printing Industry
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